On online journal of Baker Rabbitt.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So long Canellis! I'm off to Newton tonight! Thanks for the memories.

This isn't me in this video but I bet I could learn to do this! This dog is a PitBullSharPei. Cute, huh?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I love being under the table - have to be careful that no one vacuums up my tail someday!

Today we played Get the Bees with Gerry. As you can see, I have grown! I'm nearly as big as Chuisle these days. Can't wait to see Rob and Beth this week and they'll be glad to see me, I'm sure! Woof! That's right.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday's Child

Well, it's Wednesday and a busy week for this household! Colin graduates from 6th grade tomorrow morning and we will be celebrating. We went to Happy Tails Monday and Wednesday this week and go again Friday. One more weekend until I see Rob and Beth! Gerry has been busy filming his bees ... my antics are old hat around here. Get up early around 5:30 with Charlotte and out to pee ... a bit of breakfast with Chuisle and it's up to bed again with Gerry! This is the life. Off to car ride and Happy Tails. Tonight we went shopping with Charlotte and were good girls in the car waiting for her to finish up. Off to bed with Colin now ... he gets to stay up late for the rest of the summer so I should be yawning by next Wednesday.

Flag Day!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day of Rest

It's a rainy day again this morning. Charlotte seems to have recuperated from her 11-hour drive home from DC Friday night but we are going to hang around today and appreciate the weekend! Watched the UK-US Soccer match last night and had a bit of a rousting game of 'pass the squeaky-turkey' in the upstairs hallway. Looks like a new lampshade is in order! Charlotte and Gerry woke up to both of us lounging on the bed this morning - Colin is away for the weekend. Pretty comfy! I hope Beth and Rob are having a great time halfway across the world.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Getting used to a new sound in the morning

So the question of the day is: What goes "whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, slurrrrrrrrrrrrp"?

The answer, of course, is Baker Rabbitt.

Baker has been sleeping in Colin's room with him. Chuisle was, and still is to a large extent, jealous that Baker is taking over much of her territory and her routines. Then again, Chuisle has other privileges now that she didn't have before this family "relative" is spending time here. Chuisle now gets to stay up and go to bed when we go to bed (vs Colin's 9 pm weekday bed time). Chuisle has a full time play companion. If I am too tired, too busy, too preoccupied to play with Chuisle, as long as Baker is around, she always seems to have plenty of energy to romp around with Chuisle ... play tag with toys ... or see if she can get to Chuisle's ears faster than Chuisle can turn her nose and mouth away.

Getting back to the noise ... If by chance I am not out of bed first thing in the morning, Colin will let Baker out of his room at about 6 am., presumably so he can sleep longer without dog interruptions. He used to do the same thing with Chuisle, and the difference is that all I heard from Chuisle was "slurrrrrrrrrrrp" (on the side of my face) ... this boxer has no tail, or not enough of a one that if it wags it'll bump into anything ... on the other hand, Baker has a long tail, and she wags it constantly and quickly when she's happy. So first thing in the morning, if I am not out of bed, she'll come bouncing down the hall from Colin's bedroom to mine, with the tail slapping anything and everything from the doorways to walls to floors ... whap, whap, whap, whap, whap, whap ... followed by a slurrrrrrrrrrrrp on the side of my face is her method of saying "hey, I'm happy I am out of the room, now get up, I need to go outside and pee!"

And know what? It works!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday Morning Kisses


Well, here's a goofy photo of us. We were moving too much but as you notice, Gerry hasn't moved one bit. We tried to wake him up.

Charlotte will drop us off at Happy Tails this morning and pick us up tonight. Then she will be leaving tomorrow morning for Maryland and we are Gerry's sole (soul?) responsibility until Friday night! I hear we might be staying home Wednesday and Friday this week and we're waiting to hear from Jeanne Winter, Chuisle's dogwalker.

I hope Gerry posts lots of things to the blog so Charlotte won't miss me too much!
These iPhone photos aren't the best quality but it sure is handy having a camera at our fingertips. Do you think I've grown in the last week?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Play Ball!

Yum, I love tennis balls!

Our Newest Four-Legged Best Friend

Charlotte finished her column and it's about me! It won't be published until Thursday but she included the pre-edited text here!

Pillow Fight

Ahem. Well, Charlotte can be very focused when writing her newspaper column. (Overdue, by the way!)
Anyway, Gerry interrupted her reverie and concentration with a loud "WHAT is going on here?" It seems that Chuisle and I had been a little too eager to remove the squeaker from one of our newest favorite toys. There was stuffing everywhere and it looked like a pillow fight. Charlotte never noticed a thing, sitting within a few feet. So much for dog-sitting. We're both sitting quietly now and avoiding looking at the toy. But, it sure was fun. Here you can see it with a missing 'appendage.'

Perfect Birthday Card

Gerry and Charlotte didn't get to fully appreciate Colin's birthday card until they decompressed from all the activity in the last two weeks. They say thanks, Beth and Rob, for a perfect card!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday Night Live ... well, not fully alive, just kinda live

Morning Tug of War

This is what Chuisle and I do EVERY morning. It's the new ritual! I give it up only to go back for more.

Things Look Different Up Here

Colin's been having a great time with me. He likes picking me up because I weigh so much less than Chuisle. He tries to play tug-of-war with me but I am smart enough to know that he is not a dog!

YoooooHoooooo, I'm Back!

Hope you weren't worried about me! Things have been pretty much the same for the past couple of days. Eat, Happy Tails, eat, sleep. You might say I can't wait to go to bed! I follow Colin up to bed every night at 9:30 and am happy to do so and I don't make a peep all night until Charlotte opens the door to Colin's room around 6 am.

They've been sending a lunch with me everyday and I've been gobbling that up after my nap and I still come home hungry! I also eat all of my breakfast in one sitting like I'm famished!

Charlotte had a big ToDo with work on Friday and she was in Cruise Control running around like a madwoman shopping, cooking and organizing Thursday for her annual Staff Development Day for her whole staff. On top of that, she had to attend a library event Thursday night and came home too tuckered out to post photos of ME tuckered out.

Staff Development Day 2010 was held all day Friday in Natick at the Morse Institute Library there. Breakfast, workshops, lunch, speakers! Charlotte left the house at 6:30 a.m. to make sure the day was a success. It was! We all know Charlotte would rather cater her own events and the gourmet salads for lunch were huge hits.

She picked Chuisle and me up from our last weekday at Happy Tails yesterday and I was sure a Happy Girl there. The dog staff told her that everyone thinks I am 'so sweet!' Gerry made Charlotte a congratulations Martini and that was that for Charlotte for the rest of the night. We snored in the family room together, I'm told. Charlotte woke up at 10:15 pm and found Colin still watching tv and Gerry and Baker on the floor together with Baker's paw on Gerry's arm - it was so cute but the camera was still in the car and she didn't get the photo (much to her regret!)

Gerry took a photo Thursday night so she's posting it today.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Early Morning Toy Fight

Chuisle wants Baker's toys ... Baker wants Chuisle's toys. Good to see the energy back!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Miss Beth and Rob

Even though I am tired, I miss Beth and Rob the most at night time.

I Am A Tired Dog

Here's a photo with me lying down with Gerry after dinner. A day at Happy Tails for me ... a half bottle of wine for Gerry. Same effect. You can see my ear wide open to listen to Gerry snoring. LOL. He wasn't really asleep. We tried to take a video of me having a very noisy dream but I stopped as soon as the camera started rolling.

Instead we took this cute video of Charlotte trying to get me to wake up. I am out for the night, I think.

P.S. Gerry just did super double-poop patrol in the backyard.

Dinner Time Snooze

Colin thinks that Baker makes a very handy and cozy footstool for his feet at dinnertime! And Baker doesn't seem to mind at all.

Playing It Softly

Charlotte picked us up at Happy Tails early this afternoon - around 5 pm. I certainly wasn't finished playing yet but I was happy to go home, too. They say I couldn't wait to take my nap today at noon and slept like a log! Here I am with my 'family group' - the "soft" players. We like things nice and easy in this group. Lots of puppies like me, I think. Chuisle is off in her "hard" players group with the big guys.

Ready to Ride

Gerry has a loaner car this morning with no automatic windows. (Failed inspection - needs new tires.) You can probably make out me, the other shape in the back seat of the car. Chuisle is looking over Gerry's shoulder but I'm seat-belted in so I couldn't peek at the camera. Two doggies ready to ride.

Morning Rub Down

Nothing like a morning tickle to distract me from eating breakfast. We're out of here shortly and I'm looking forward to another day at Happy Tails.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Endings!

We're going to bed soon. Colin is home from karate and Charlotte's had a long day which began at 5:45 am getting ready to pack us all up and out the door.

I think they might have to carry me upstairs.

Dog Tired

What a day. I am dog-tired. Chuisle seems to have a bit more energy than me.

I managed to eat my supper and have about 6 bowls of water. It's a bit warm here and I'm glad Gerry has now finally installed the air conditioners.

I can't help but keep falling asleep and of course I like my spot under the table the best.

Oh Happy Day!

We arrived bright and early this morning at 6:45 am. Can't wait to see what this place is like for a whole day!

Happy Tail to YOU!

I know they cooked burgers out here last night - I can smell 'em! No sign of them now, though. But some great puddles to drink from.

The rain soaked the world last night. There was wicked thunder and lightning but Colin keeps his fan on and the radio, too ... so I guess it happened without me because I sure didn't wake anyone up.

After an uneventful night and Colin opened his presents ... we went to bed around 9:30 because we all had a really tiring weekend. Even Gerry fell asleep in the family room.

So, it's off to Happy Tails. I've got my lunch and my treats and my vaccination record and I'm sitting in my seat belt soon. I expect to come home and crash tonight around 7. I hope I have enough energy for dinner. There might not be photos tonight.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Everyone Had Burgers Tonight

Well, not really me and Chuisle. But they sure smelled good! Here's Beth and Rob in Palo Alto while they had a layover with Rob's uncle today and I sure would have wanted to be with them in that great California weather. But I bet they wouldn't have given me any fries or milkshakes, either. At the moment Charlotte is writing this for me because I am outside romping with Chuisle in the dusky backyard and wishing Beth and Rob were here!

Flowers and Ice!

I LOVE ice cubes after mowing the lawn. Well, after watching Gerry mow the lawn. They occupy me forever. And I hear that Chuisle turned her nose up at ice cubes until I showed her how much fun they are!

And here are the flowers that my 'other' grandmother, Deb, brought to dinner the other night - mixed with irises and daisies from our garden. Charlotte LOVES Gerbera daisies. Beautiful!

After a Nap - The Line Up

I had a great nap while Colin, Gerry and Charlotte went to see Shrek Forever After in 3D at the Jordan's IMAX in Natick. Afterwards, Gerry prepared to mow the lawn and Colin played with us in the backyard. We are having Uncle Gerry and Aunt Lexie over for hamburgers later on today.  I can smell those burgers now!

Sloppy Kisses

Chuisle gets a kiss after a rousing romp up and down and up and down and up and down the stairs.  Chuisle chased the laser pen and I chased Chuisle! Poor Chuisle can't catch her breath so I thought a little mouth-to-mouth might work.

Sniffing My Way Around

Heading out for another romp this morning.  Third time already! And my don't these herbs smell good!

Does Everyone Only Sleep ALL Day Around Here?

Love this spot under the table, especially when I can chew on these bones.

A New Day

Well, I was certainly surprised everyone to sleep past 5:30 am!  I was quiet as a mouse in Colin's room but was standing at the door when Charlotte opened it.  Colin was fast asleep so I guess I hadn't tried to wake him up.  Both of us doggies romped around a bit trying to find awake people (besides Charlotte) and we were unsuccessful even after making lots of noise so we sped downstairs to the back door.  It's a beautiful morning in New England but we wanted to get back inside for breakfast after some very quick "quicklys".  I, by the way, seem to have understood pretty quickly that breakfast means 'gobble before Chuisle gets mine'.  After breakfast it was a game of football until Chuisle got slammed up against the cellar door in her enthusiasm to get the ball and I snuck by down the hallway.  Rather than risk an upchuck both us dogs were told to lie down and digest.  Notice who ended up with the fuzzy pigskin!  Heh heh!

First Day @ the Canellis

After saying a very teary goodbye to Beth and Rob, I settled in just fine. Just to be safe, Gerry and Charlotte thought we should all see how both of us girls did in crates together. Gerry and Charlotte went shopping for a few hours (finding some Adult Dog Avoderm at Petco and some birthday presents for Colin.) Thankfully, they came home to find us both happy and rather-peppy dogs ready to go outside and play and GET OUT OF THESE CRATES! Later in the day after Colin came home and played with me for awhile, they had to leave to go to dinner in Bristol, Rhode Island. We both happily went back into the crates after a little hide and seek. They got home shortly after 9 PM though ... long before it was too dark or scary. Colin decided he wanted me to sleep with him in his room. Here's a video of me settling in:

I am wishing both Beth and Rob a nice sleep before their delayed trip to New Zealand.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

She Sits

This is a video taken of me when I was very little and was amazingly clever! It was early fall and I got chilly very quickly so had to wear a jacket most of the time.